Eating protein pancakes helps exercise and lose weight!

Nancy Heijnis
27 September 2022
Reading time: 10 minutes

 We train a bit in this small one country. One person does it a bit and the other is passionate about it. Any has its own reasons for exercising. Usually women give as reason there want to look better. Still lose those extra pounds. That belly, that one buttocks and like to get rid of those thighs. We go to the in good spirits gym, but you won’t get there by training alone. It’s all about getting your diet to suit your training schedule. How do you get this done? Which nutrition do you use? How can you learn from experienced athletes?

Fanatic lines might help a short period of time, but you won’t make it with that either. You it just doesn’t last very long. Training becomes more difficult because you have not enough energy and you often quickly fall back into your old diet. In In no time those kilos will be back on, often with some extra kilos. It is to drive you crazy. In this article 3 examples of how to use both your keeps energy levels up to par by adding enough protein to your diet add. This way you can train hard and lose weight at the same time.


Good we want to look better. What are we going to do for that? The magic word is balance. A good balance between lose weight and exercise. First, put that scale somewhere where you no longer have it see. Weigh yourself at a fixed time during the week to keep an eye out for large fluctuations to be able to keep. Muscle weighs more than fat and your body sometimes holds maybe more moisture than other times. Look at your body, feel and focus. See changes. Feel if your clothes have become more spacious and if you are fine in your skin. Focus on your training and on healthy, balanced nutrition. Balance is your key to success.


Balance is the magic word here too. A balance of strength and fitness training best suited to really finish fall. You immediately combine two advantages. The advantage of fitness training is to stimulate the burning of fat and you naturally improve your condition so that you can continue training longer in the long run.

Strength training ensures that you gains a greater muscle mass and thus becomes stronger. It’s good for it strengthen bones and tendons. Because you build more muscle, you consume even more energy at rest.


Reducing carbohydrates and adding more protein to your diet will certainly help you lose pounds To hit. Proteins are necessary to keep your bones and muscles in shape. She are digested much slower by our body making you a full longer feeling and therefore no longer reach for that bar of chocolate so quickly. in addition the proteins ensure that muscle tissue is not broken down when you return goes in calories. That is very useful if you are looking for a balance in weight loss and train. Eating protein and losing weight can therefore go together. Eating proteins can be supported with the protein-rich food supplements.


That’s pretty simple. There is one wide range of protein snacks such as protein bars, chocolate with a high protein content, ice cream, chips… you name it. All developed to do it for you even easier to maintain your diet. One of these products is a pancake with a high content of protein.

Recipe for delicious protein pancake with fresh fruit:

• 50 g Protein Pancake-from Performance • 100 ml of water • Fresh fruit • Dark chocolate as needed • Cottage cheese

Mix 50 grams (1 spoon = 20 g) Performance Protein pancake mix with 100ml of water and stir for as long until you get a smooth mass. Fry the pancake in one on both sides hot pan. Cover the pancake with fresh fruit just before serving or add some cheese, cottage cheese or dark chocolate. Serve warm.
What else is tasty a protein pancake?   Ter garnish you can use different products. Of course you do your pancake stays healthy. A sweet pancake can be tasty. But if you the protein pancake sprinkled with sugar and syrup is healthy lost idea. Therefore, rather choose one of the following healthier ones toppings:

  •   Sugar-free jam
  •   Nut Butter
  •   Cottage cheese with cinnamon
  •   Huttenkäse with cinnamon
  •   Fresh fruit
  •   Shredded coconut
  •   Low calorie syrup
Performance Sports Nutrition - Protein Baking Mix
Protein Baking MixPerformance Sports Nutrition
First Class Nutrition - Pancake Mix
Pancake MixFirst Class Nutrition
800 gram

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