Difference between Fatblockers and Fatburners

Nancy Heijnis
20 January 2024
Reading time: 8 minutes

You have undoubtedly heard of nutritional supplements that claim to help with weight loss and fat burning. Two common types are ‘Fatblockers’ and ‘Fatburners’. Both are related to slimming, but they work in different ways. In this article we delve deeper into how these supplements work and how they can support your goals.

Fatblockers: How do they work?

Fatblockers , also known as ‘fat blockers’, are supplements that reduce the absorption of fat from food. They contain special substances such as chitosan and lipase inhibitors, which slow down fat digestion. For example, Chitosan adheres to fat in your intestines and prevents this fat from being absorbed by your body. Instead, it is excreted.


Benefits of fat blockers

A handy feature of fat blockers is their ability to reduce the intake of calories from fat, which is possible contribute to weight loss. Especially for people who struggle with controlling their fat intake, these supplements can be invaluable. Moreover, they contribute to lowering cholesterol levels, which is beneficial for the health of the heart.

fatburners: how do they work?

  Fatburners  , also known as ‘fat burners’, are supplements that accelerate metabolism, stimulate fat burning and increase the energy levels . They often contain ingredients such as caffeine, green tea extract, L-carnitine and thermogenic substances. Together these ingredients subtly increase body temperature, which in turn can increase the metabolism. That is why fatburners often have terms such as   Thermo  or   Fever  .

benefits of fat burners

The biggest advantage of fat burners is that they can lead to increased calorie burning in your body. This can be beneficial if you want to lose weight or get a tighter body. Some ingredients in fat burners can also improve your alertness and energy during exercise . We recommend that you always use fatburners in combination with exercise.

The essential role of healthy habits

It is crucial to realize both fatblockers and fatburners The most effective when they are combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. No supplement can achieve magical weight loss without effort. When in doubt, it is wise to first consult with a doctor before using new supplements, especially if you have health problems. 

Fatburners vs fatblockers

Fatblockers and Fatburners approach weight loss and fat burning in various ways. Fatblockers reduce the absorption of fat, while Fatburners accelerate metabolism. Both supplements can be useful, but don’t forget that a healthy lifestyle is also of great importance. Every body is unique, so listen to your own body and make informed choices. If you need help, we are ready for you at House of Nutrition. Send an email to info@houseofnutition.nl and ask your question.

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