It's Christmas workout time!

Nancy Heijnis
14 December 2024
Reading time: 5 minutes

It’s almost Christmas and that means time for family, friends and especially wonderful Christmas breakfasts and Christmas dinners. But it also means that many gyms are closed. Of course it is not bad at all to skip a workout, but maybe you are looking forward to it now that you are free these days. That is why we have prepared a few Christmas workouts for you, so that you just keep moving between dinners.

The Challenge

you don’t have much time at Christmas, but Do you want to feel the tasty glow of an intensive workout? In that case we have this 5 -minute challenge ready for you. If you are comfortable in it or you have some time left, you can repeat the circuit a few times. Then take a minute break between each circuit.

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 Jump squats <!—/nl Span—>
  • 20 Jumping Jacks
  • 30 sit ups
  • 40 lunges <!—/slan Span—>
  • 200 meters Sprint

Burn it up

You can turn the following exercises from each exercise 15 repetitions. Are you ready with the first round? Then repeat it at least 3 more times. If the workout goes out too easily, you can do some exercises jumping (Jump Squats instead of squats).

  • squats 
  • Lunges
  • Push ups
  • 180 degrees burpees
  • Pop squats
  • Mountain Climber
  • Suitcase crunch
  • Walk out planks
  • Frog jumps
  • Box Jumps

Nice outside

During this workout you can get a fresh nose outside. So put on your running shoes and go! It is easy to use a sports watch for this workout so that you know how long you are running. Repeat the round 3 times!

  • Run 1 minute + 10 Push Ups
  • Run 1 minute + 20 JUMP SQUATS
  • Run 1 minute + 30 Jump Lunges
  • 1 minute run + 40 Jumping Jacks
  • Run 1 minute + 50 Cross Jacks

Turn it ‘Round

Choose two exercises and do 10 repetitions of one and 1 of the other. Then you do 9 repetitions of exercises 1 and 2 repetitions of exercise 2. This way you continue. How often can you complete the workout?

  • Burpees + Jump Squats
  • Push Up + Box Jumps
  • V-ups + Mountain Climbers
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