Responsible weight gain

Nancy Heijnis
1 November 2022
Reading time: 5 minutes

Losing weight is a topic that comes up regularly, but gaining weight is also a major challenge for many people. Are you looking for a responsible way to gain weight? We are happy to help you with this! The most important thing is that you gain weight in a healthy way. This applies to those who want to gain weight due to being underweight, but certainly also to those who want to gain more muscle mass. In this blog we give you a number of tips that can help you gain weight responsibly.

Healthy weight gain

You want to arrive. You could choose to place an order daily at the snack bar or eat a bag of chips every evening when you plop on the couch. It may sound tempting, but this is something you want to avoid. Products full of unhealthy fats are still a bad idea. With this unhealthy food you can gain weight, but at the same time you also increase the risk of all kinds of other ailments. Nobody is waiting for this and that is why we focus in this blog on gaining weight in a responsible way. We have listed a number of tips for everyone who has trouble gaining weight in a healthy way and for those who sometimes have too little appetite to get enough nutrition!

Tips to gain weight in a healthy way

#1 Go for nutritious meals

We’ll start right off with the most valuable tip: go for nutritious meals. You can think of meals with whole grain products, healthy fats, vegetables and sufficient proteins. Fats and proteins in particular play an important role. Fats help you get enough calories. Healthy, unsaturated fats are a particularly good choice. Think of fatty fish, avocados, nuts, peanuts and vegetable oils. In addition, proteins are also an important nutrient for your body. Proteins provide amino acids, which are important for muscle building and muscle recovery. If you want to gain weight, you often don’t want to see this only in fat reserves. Sufficient proteins are of great importance to focus on building muscle tissue in addition to fat reserves.

#2 Eat more and bigger meals

Nutritious meals are therefore an important first step if you want to gain weight. Is there once a healthy meal on the table? So make sure you get enough of this. Our second tip: eat more and larger meals. The amount is of course highly dependent on your physique, current diet and your lifestyle. Build this up in small steps. For example, do you have trouble with three large meals? Then choose to divide your lunch in two. Splitting up the evening meal and having something to eat late at night is also a good option. Especially when you exercise in the evening, this can prevent you from standing in the gym feeling overfull. So look at your own daily rhythm and try to adjust the meals accordingly.

#3 Eat more (healthy) snacks.

If it is difficult for you to eat large meals, snacks can also be the ideal addition to your daily diet. So grab a healthy snack more often. You can think of unsalted nuts, a sandwich with banana, pasta or peanut butter or a tasty bowl of yogurt filled with enough fruit, nuts, seeds and kernels. And are you looking for a tasty and healthy snack for the winter months? A well-filled bowl of soup with vegetables is, if you ask us, a delicious and nutritious snack for this time of year!

#4 Go for shakes and drinks.

Is it still a challenge for you to take in enough calories? Then drinking calories can be a good solution. Energy-rich drinks are often disastrous when you want to lose weight, but if you want to gain weight, these can be the ideal outcome. For example, take a look at our range of weight gainer shakes. With these shakes you ensure that you meet your calorie needs in an easy way. Gainers are a balanced combination of carbohydrates, proteins and unsaturated fats and often also contain extra vitamins and minerals. This way you gain weight in a healthy and easy way. You can also go for dairy drinks, which are rich in proteins, or smoothies filled with fruit or vegetables.

#5 Strength training

In addition to the right nutrition, strength training is also an important part if you want to gain weight responsibly. This applies both to those who want to gain weight due to being underweight and to those who want to gain muscle mass from a healthy weight. For example, the excess calories are not only converted into fat stores, but you also partly arrive in muscle tissue. How fanatically you take this, of course, depends on your lifestyle and goal to gain weight. Is muscle building the main reason? Then you can of course fully enjoy yourself in the gym. Are you less familiar with strength training and isn’t muscle building the main goal? Then you can start slowly and start with one to two hours of strength training a week.

Good luck!

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