Last minute tips for your summer figure

Yolanda van der Hout
3 August 2022
Reading time: 6 minutes

Last minute tips for your Summer Body

We have already had some wonderful summer days where we have already been able to get our short summer clothes and possibly swimwear out of the closet. Maybe you don’t feel completely confident or fit in your own skin yet. In that case, we have listed a number of last minute summer body tips for you. Of course, these tips also help you a lot if you already feel energetic and fit! Are you reading along?

#1 Don’t starve yourself

Let’s start right off with our most important tip: don’t starve yourself. You may be able to temporarily lose a few kilos with this, but in the end it has the opposite effect. If you eat far too little, you will only get more cravings for fat and sugar-rich food. The chance that you will let yourself go completely is very high. Moreover, you will certainly not feel fitter because of this and your energy level will quickly reach a low point. Results simply don’t happen overnight and you shouldn’t expect this from your body either. So start with healthy meals. Try to skip those unhealthy snacks and go for healthy and nutritious products.

Some tips from us? Eat plenty of lean meat, such as chicken or fish. This way you ensure that you get enough protein. You can also supplement this with protein supplements such as protein powder. Proteins are an important building material for our body and you should therefore not deprive your body of this. You also need sugars and you get them by eating enough fruit. Fruit is a delicious and refreshing snack with summer temperatures! Finally, eat enough vegetables that are rich in nutrients. Your body can’t do without it either. Moreover, you do need these nutrients if you also want to get started with our next tip: keep moving!

#2 Keep moving

The way to feel fit and energetic: keep moving! It takes time for your body to change, but sports will quickly make you feel fitter and give you more energy. Do you want to work on your summer body? Then cardio is your best friend! Therefore, go for a running training, HIIT training and low weights with high repetitions. You can also alternate this with sports such as cycling and swimming. Cardio burns a lot of calories and this is therefore the best way to work on your summer body. Just make sure you don’t do your warm-up

#3 Drink enough water

Our third tip: drink plenty of water. This is always important, especially with summer temperatures. Even if you are fanatical about doing cardio, water cannot be missed. In addition, water provides a filling feeling. Therefore, take a glass of water before your meal, so that you feel satisfied sooner.

#4 Try to limit alcohol

Drinking less alcohol can be very difficult during the summer period. You are more likely to linger on a terrace with family or friends and enjoying a nice drink is often part of that. Of course, this is definitely something you should enjoy in the summer, but try to limit it. Beer and wine contain empty calories. Also pay attention to the cocktails, because they often have a lot of added sugars.

#5 Self-love

Accept how far you have come by eating healthy and exercising. Self-love and acceptance are super important. Be happy with what you have achieved and paint a realistic picture of what you want to achieve in the future. It helps in weight loss to respect your body first. This is a good starting point for making the right food choices and ultimately maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

#6 Keep your healthy summer lifestyle longer too!

Try to maintain this healthy lifestyle after the summer. Then you will immediately jump into your summer clothes next year with a good feeling. Of course it is also nice to feel fit in your skin during the winter!

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